Wednesday, May 1, 2024


 As is tradition here at the Casa du Borghese...

Horray Hooray, it's the first of May,

Outdoor screwing begins today!!!!

I can't lie, your Mistress is a big fan of outdoor sex! In the spring my libido is even higher than normal, if that is even possible. I'm here to tell you I have had sex in some pretty odd outdoor places, like an ally, a few balconies, several cars, the dock and in the woods in the Poconos, on a picnic table, which broke apart after a few thrusts, a church fire scape, a golf course, and more than a few parks and a garden. Nothing like striping naked and having sex al fresco I say. But just remember a few tips from my How To Have Sex Outdoors and Have Fun while Being Safe, brochure. Yeah, I was never good with my brochure tiles. Some points to remember. 1- bring protection. 2- Be prepared to be caught. 3- Watch for pricks and other sharp thorns before sitting.4- Bring a blanket. 5- Come prepared, with the like of protection, and namely lube and a stiff drink in a thermos for after. And make sure to clean up after yourself. NO one need to be told they have a used trojan stuck to their heel!!! But mostly just enjoy the great out of doors, the fresh air and the cock and getting nailed.

I'll be at the lake if anyone is looking for me.

Happy Outdoor Season!

Tuesday, April 30, 2024



Yes, Hunnies....the Cristal Ball Era... as in Sapphira Cristal. I don't think that shade of blue has ever looked better on a queen!  Now that the 16th season of Drag Race has ended, many I know, queens, close friends, and viewers, obviously were upset and felt sad for Sapphira Cristal not winning the crown. I'd be remiss if I didn't say I too, was a bit bummed. Philadelphia and the surrounding area have got some phenomenal drag queens, with fresh and raw talent, a mix of old and new school rolled into one, very colorful style, and very community riddled personalities which I adore. So yes, I was bummed about her not winning the crown as it has taken 16 seasons to get a Philly queen on. And it took one to do just that well. But I have on good authority Sapphira is just fine girls. After all she came away with over $50,000, a trip for two to an exotic locale, and Miss Congeniality, not to mention a broad and widen pulpit to preach from henny. And as we have seen from herstory, the runners up often go on to have even bigger drag careers then the actual winners. Miss Sapphira is already getting ready for a huge one queen tour, The Cristal Ball, to visit over 40 US cities so far, has another show, All That Glitters, with Plasma, Langoo Blu,Selma Nella, Pink Pancake, and Danilla Darling. All that, and a forth coming, dance single, Enough, getting ready for release soon. Girl is just fine.

Even though we may have seen some queens close to Sapphira in style, this bitch just has that something special, to be able to wrap the old school and new school together in one very entertaining queen, Style, talent, singing, hosting, room mother, activists, all with varied style and ensembles. Sapphira for those not in the know, is a classically trained opera singer, composer and full time drag queen, full of spectacle with glitter, glam and groundbreaking talent.

For I and other queens Sapphira getting on Drag Race was such a huge honor for everybody, but especially the drag youth who is coming up in the ranks in Philly, and she showcases the Philly style to a T. It was also cool to see fellow queen Maddelynn Hatter's handy work with Sapphira's wigs. Queen does some sickening hair. Sapphira originally hails from Houston but has called Philadelphia home now for some time. Her name Sapphira is a nod to her birthstone, Sapphire, and her favorite pre-sober drink, Cristal champagne. This dive is easily set apart by her singing, with a remarkable six-octave vocal range. I can recall the show held for her right after the historic moment she got on the show. The air buzzed at the Brooklyn Bowl, with a screening of the premiere followed by a campy stage drag show with Sapphira, and graced with the performances of Avery Goodname, Iris Spectre, VinChelle, Eric Jaffe, Onyx and DJ'D by Honey Davenport, who all and one, mesmerized and captivated the audience. I hand it to these queens for holding their tongues, because they know by time the show premieres who's still on the show, at least up to the top four, and they keep mum.

Here's to Sapphira Cristal for a great season, representing the City of Brotherly Love with such style, camp and grace... long reign a Royal Blue Era!!!!

And if this wasn't severing Too Wong Foo realness, I don't know what is.


 As houseboys Mario and Rico demonstrate...drink your milk!!! It's good for strong bones, nice skin and loads of vitamin D.

I have at least 2 to 3 glasses a day.

This has been a Casa du Borghese public service announcement.

Monday, April 29, 2024


This Monday...some spectacular color and art in many forms to greet us this morning. May the winter and dreaded weather be behind us all now for the season, right?

There now...we all awake??